Dear customer, before placing your order, please inform if a person in your party has a food allergy. Price and menu are subject to change without notice.
The FDA advises consuming raw or undercook meats, poultry, seafood or eggs increases your risk of food borne illness. We reserve the right to correct any errors.
All of our dishes are prepared at the moment and may take some time depending on their seasoning. We kindly ask for your understanding.
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Tlayudas (8)
Mexican-style pizza corn large tortilla
Chapulines Tostados
Toasted crickets (100gr) Your choice: Spicy and Non-Spicy
Asientos (250gr)
Tlalitos de cerdo molido. Mixed Pieces of pork cracklings and fat
Mole (1Lb)
Pasta de mole en polvo Mole powder paste.
Coloradito (1Lb)
Mole rojo Red mole paste, sweet and spicy.
Quesillo (1Lb)
Queso Oaxaca. String cheese
Cacahuates Enchilados (200gr)
Spicy peanuts
Habas Enchiladas (200gr)
Spicy fava beans
Pan de Yema (x10)
Egg bread
Variedad de Panes Mexicanos
Mexican Bread. Choose your bread.
Mollete (x5)
Mexican bread
Chocolate (250gr)
Cafe Molido (200gr)
Grounded Coffee
Miel (16oz)
Honey bee
Sal de Chile de Gusanito y Chapulin (100gr)
Spicy Salt of powdered worm and cricket
Chile Molido en Pasta (1Lb)
Powder chili paste
Frijol Molido (200gr)
Crushed beans
Garbanzo Molido (200gr)
Crushed chickpeas
Chile Seco (150gr)
Dry peppers
Semillas de Calabaza (Pepitas) (200gr)
Pumpkin seeds